Vent Testing Explained
What is a vent test?
Ventilation extract testing or Part F vent testing is carried out on a dwelling’s ventilation systems. To confirm the installed systems are achieving the required flow rates as required by Part F of the building regulations.
A test involves one of our accredited team of BPEC testing engineers to test the installed extractor fans within the dwelling using specialist UKAS calibrated testing equipment and measure the flow rates of each of the fans. The testing is usually carried out during the same visit as the air permeability making it more cost effective. The test results are confirmed onsite and certificates are issued same day.
Why test?
With a greater pressure by building performance standards to lower the amount of uncontrolled air movement, dwellings are becoming ever increasingly air tight. This means that it is very important that the intended air movement within a dwelling is actually achieved. As a result of this, 2010 Part F of the building regulations recognised the need to onsite test extract fans to ensure that they are achieving the correct flow rates. Since then we have been working with large and small developers to help them achieve this requirement.
How to prepare for a vent test?
We have prepared the following helpful guide which detail guidance on the following key areas:
Why test
Knowing your flow rate
Planning & Design Tips
Common Problems
Our Top Tips
Download our helpful guide below.
When is the vent test done?
The testing should be conducted once the building is complete and prior to occupation.
We therefore recommend the test is booked once the property is nearing completion. This is often at a similar time to the finals and cleaning stage. Importantly the property must have the electricity supply on and all the extract fans and controls properly working including any room terminals or external grilles installed.
Use our vent testing readiness checklist to ensure your next project gets the best possible result.